Re: Has Liberty NW dealt with you unfairly?

Author Subject: Re: Has Liberty NW dealt with you unfairly?
Tarzan Posted At 11:12:51 11/28/2000
Joined the Oregon Plan Center yesterday, they have building plans coming in all the time, read the plan and bid, and hopefully don't go bank-rupt, trying to learn.

This is exactly what I trained for a Vo-Tech, but noone would hire my to do.

The gal that signed me up says, Oh Ya the insurance companies have a license to STEAL. Apparrently her husband has been in our BOAT.

At Vo-Tech, there was a man with one hand, and a fused back, of coarse he's going to have trouble dealing with life on a day to day basis. The point is, he was forced to retire for about a grand a month, better than a sharp stick in the eye.

On the medications, they not only cut off that, but, left me with bills a year and eleven months old, they close your claim retroactive back to your last IME, and a doctor opening your claim can only go back, two weeks.

The whole idea is to pay ten cents on the dollar for what they should have paid for in the first place, 5 years now, and just getting started again at 52.

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