Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????

Author Subject: Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????
What if? Posted At 00:53:56 12/10/2000
It never seems to amaze me that they want you to vote. And then when you do, now they are trying to control who's can and can't be counted. But I'll bet if they knew it could be their votes, they would insist that they were counted and counted without question.
I think all votes should be counted no matter what, or how long (within reason) it takes to guarantee that each citizen who voted had their vote heard and counted. After all that is what this country is all about, Right?
I am non-partison, but I do believe that there are still some people who can help in the plight of the injured worker. So when they are running for office, I will surely be there hoping my vote will be counted.....

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