Re: My Opinion of Attorney's

Author Subject: Re: My Opinion of Attorney's
Here is what I would do. Posted At 19:50:29 12/11/2000
I hope you are better by now and not having any more trouble. But if you are GO TO THE DOCTOR! and then call a lawyer. It never hurts to cover all your bases and then if you don't need the lawyer then you had a free consultation, most will give you the first one free.
Supposidly you can't be fired for the injury, but they sure can terminate you for some other lame reason. Hopefully you filled out a accident report with your employer if not DO SO right away, documentation is sometimes your only form of defense.
I tried to work for many months with a permantent and painful injury, living on painkillers just to attempt to hold onto my job. Little did I know that my injury was permanent and it was only a matter of time before, the pills no longer helped the pain, and I was wearing my body out trying to keep up. So Please, go to the doctor and see what he says while your injury is still new, and don't wait, if this comes to court they will hold everyday against you that you worked.
I had to change doctors because my first doctor was lame and he was getting a bunch of new patients from my work and somehow managed to appriciate the extra business way too much. You can change primary care doctors 2Xs and I'll tell you when I went to the 2nd doctor, he said "you can't work". The first doctor couldn't even read a MRI, and sticking with him hurt me alot longer than it should have.
So find a good doctor and call my lawyer, he works in Portland OR and also goes to WA, and Calif. so good luck, I hope you won't need this, but if you do here is his phone #1-888-7-complaw, he has always been there for me and has helped me when work was trying to jerk me around, what a difference in attitude when work found out I had a lawyer....and no I don't work for him...

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