New Chatroom

Author Subject: New Chatroom
To The Webmaster Posted At 19:59:24 12/13/2000
How about having a chat for new injured workers and some of the older injured workers, trying to help them and answer some of their questions directly in the chat room.

Or even setting up certain days with certain subjects so people can ask questions directly.

If you think this is a good idea, maybe there are some others who can help with some input beforehand.

I know people are busy, but maybe this could be helpful to the newies and some of the older mid-system injured workers.

And also some of the permanently disabled ones, who have some questions too!

Always keeping in mind that this board is being read by the Comp. system too, and to not give out more that you can chew.
Webmaster Re: New Chatroom (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 20:54:13 12/13/2000

That sounds great, But people have to participate.
Wimp Re: New Chatroom (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 08:40:18 12/14/2000

Participation is a very good idea....I have been to our chatroom several times...both day and night and there has been noone there....Let's all get together and chat!
Webmaster Re: New Chatroom (Currently 1 replies)
Posted At 11:57:57 12/14/2000

If you all have any ideas for a chat time let me know.
Last time I announced this 2 people from out of state came in.
I know that the comp people are always in here, Saif Corp is our number one visitor. They are here more than I am.
Makes you wonder!!!!
Time Re: New Chatroom (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 11:20:18 12/15/2000

I think somewhere in the evening would be a great time, so we can cover alot of time zones if needed.
Ok webmaster, I'll be there you pick the time and the place, and maybe a little notice on the BB for those who don't know yet.
So we can have a good turnout, and watchdog for the snoopers and lurkers!
Just tell me when and I'll be there. Thanks!

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