The New President

Author Subject: The New President
unknown Posted At 08:47:42 12/14/2000
Well folks! Hang on to what you've got! I heard the announcement this morning. Mr. George W. Bush is the president! Republicians in the seat of the White House! The simple thought of that makes me ill! NOW, we all know for sure the next 4 years are going to be lame....Or maybe we'll have a war, isn't that what republician's like to fight....Please forgive me, it's the money that the republician's like... It makes me wonder if he really won the proper way or not....As we all know Bush's brother is the govenor of the state of Florida...In Oregon we all know what damage our governor has done to the injured workers...Whose to know if it were really on the up and up or not....We'll NEVER know!
Tarzan Re: The New President (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 11:18:56 12/14/2000

Letterman and Lenoe will be happy, for 4 years.
Sue Isn't Kitzhaber a Democrat? (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:01:26 12/18/2000

Here you are complaining about the Republicans, but in the same breath you say they're no better than the Governor or Oregon....who is a Democrat. Who are you going to blame next? The Green Party?
unknown Re: The New President (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:50:21 12/22/2000

Amen Sue!! Some people just like to find something to complain about and blame!!

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