Legislative agendas?

Author Subject: Legislative agendas?
Old Timer Posted At 10:54:57 12/18/2000
To the Webmaster and all:
Can anyone let me know what comp issues may be upcoming in this next legislative meeting in Salem? I was out of state for a couple of years in the 90's and missed out on much of the changes that took place then. Since Liberty NW has been such a thorn in my rear this past two years I want to make sure that I am informed of important events and hearings, BEFORE they happen.

Also to the webmaster, could you perhaps inform us ahead of time when important items are to be dealt with in the political arena? Thanks and also, thanks for your informative links. They have led to a ton of good sources for me.
Old Timer
Webmaster Re: Legislative agendas? (Currently 2 replies)
Posted At 23:49:57 12/18/2000

A good way to keep up on Workers' comp related bills is to be present at the MLAC meetings, This committee reviews all Workers comp bills. Go to our link, I keep this regularly updated. Or contact
Meg Reinhold, Executive Assistant for Policy (503) 378-4100; Fax: (503) 378-6444 her e-mail is meg.reinhold@state.or.us.

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