Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????

Author Subject: Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????
unknown Posted At 18:03:00 12/22/2000
I find it interesting how the media can influence people. How can you count votes that aren't there. I personally know people that didn't like either candidate, so they didn't vote. So now, we take their votes and count them as if they did? There obviously was a reason. Anyway, it's over now, and we have the first black secretary of state, a black woman in the cabinet, a woman in charge of the EPA, and women are somehow being screwed?

Maybe you should find out the facts before you type all this. I'm actually happy with our president elect and believe he won it fair and square.

I think there would have been just as much finger pointing if Al Gore would've won.

The government won't solve your problems, we must fight for ourselves

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