Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????

Author Subject: Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????
Color Purple Posted At 15:35:52 12/23/2000

It sounds like you are a man living in the twilight zone. I make less than
the lowest paid man in my office. He has a family, I am a black single
woman. I have a degree in business and working on my masters. The low man
on the rung of pay scales here has a high school GED and little college. I
have several years experiance. He has no experiance, I have been task with
bringing him up to speed.

Now that George Bush has appointed a black man and a black women to his
cabinet, is that going to fix the pay inequity? My dad is out of work
because of a job injury, will those appointments make my dad a hot
commodity in the job market?

According to the polls less than 10% of the black vote was for George Bush.
My employer said if Al Gore became President the bottom would fall out of
the stock market and our company would fall with it. Its nice to know that
George Bush will fix that.

If government is for the rich people by the rich people, what is there
for just us people? Is the bill of rights just for the rich?

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