Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????

Author Subject: Re: A Bastard President? A Bastard Cabinet? Just maybe a lesson here?????
Unknown Posted At 11:40:17 12/26/2000
I don't think whoever is president has any hold on what kind of pay I get. I think that's up to us as individuals. We need to demand more! I work in an office enviroment and make just as much as any male person I work with. I think once we start expecting more, than we will get more. In fact I see more women then men advance in most cases.

I'm just trying to point out, whoever would have been president, life is what you make of it. Just trying to get a more positive outlook to what is an otherwise dreary message board.

If we can survive Clinton, we can survive anything!!

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