Re: Get back to work and quit whining!!!!!!

Author Subject: Re: Get back to work and quit whining!!!!!!
Just a person Posted At 15:05:34 12/29/2000
Well, D I must say your mother named you correctly. It is obvious that you have not been injured at any time of your life or you would truly under stand what we are going through. This is my FIRST and hopefully my last on the job injury. I have had to endure not only physcial pain but financial pain because of this injury. At the present time I am loosing $438 per week pay being on workers comp. I have pins, screws and plates in my leg and foot and looking forward to at least another 4 months of crutches and wheel chairs. I am stressed to the limit because I can not afford to take such a weekly cut in pay. My family suffers, my credit rating will suffer and I have had to wait up to 2 months to get reimbursed for my out of pocket expenses ......which I really could not afford to pay out in the first place. I have had to go weeks with out any money coming in beacuse of paper work foul ups. I have been treated like dirt because of this injury by my employer and their insurance company. I have been employed by the same firm for over 10 yrs and have hundreds of hours of sick and vacation pay built up because I did not want to miss any work. I remained loyal. But now I am told to bad so sad you can not use or cash in these hours because you were injured on the job. I truly under stand that there is alot of people who abuse the system. But there is many more of us that are not. We the honest ones are having to pay the price of all of the bad apples out there and get the snears of all of the other D's out there like your self who truly just don't get it. I sincerly hope that you will never become a victim of a job related injury. Because frankly D you will be screwed/blued and tattooed just like the rest of us. Good luck to you and may God Bless you and your way of thinking.

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