7 year time limit

Author Subject: 7 year time limit
P's Wife Posted At 11:36:42 01/04/2001
I'm hoping someone out there has the answer to my question: how can you get a disability award if you have already gone over the 7 year time limit to reopen a claim for these purposes? We are not trying to take advantage here--my husband just screwed up and trusted in what his doctor told him when he told my husband not to reopen his claim until he got closer to retirement because then his hearing loss would be greater. (My husband is only 36--a long way from retirement!)I tried to tell my husband he needed to reopen his claim within 7 years in order to receive a settlement, but he didn't listen to me and reopened it 8 years after. (See, his employer went bankrupt.) At first even a reopening for medical treatment was denied, but he appealed and L & I has now reopened this claim for MEDICAL TREATMENT ONLY, which is good, but he definitely has substantial hearing loss in one ear that has gotten worse since the original surgery to try to restore full hearing. I understand there are laws, but he was injured on the job and should be entitled to compensation for his loss. Again, he is not playing a game or trying to take advantage--he was uneducated about the process and so now we are being told he will not receive a disability award. He still works and still contributes to the L & I fund like all other employees everywhere. We live in Washington State by the way. Can he open a NEW claim for his hearing loss?
Suzy Re: 7 year time limit (Currently 1 replies)
Posted At 20:09:11 01/04/2001

I thought that you received a settlement at the time of closing the claim? I am sure someone here will have the answers you are looking for. I just have not heard of getting a settlement when re-opening a claim.

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