Re: Webmaster Question?

Author Subject: Re: Webmaster Question?
Webmaster Posted At 01:05:19 01/07/2001
Recopied from a previous post.

The investigator usually checks the current activity levels. They will
want to know if the worker drives a vehicle, when they last saw the
doctor. They will ask what hobbies the worker has. What they do all
day. He will ask about medication the worker takes on a daily
basis. The main reason for the visit is to determine if the activity
level has changed. Sometimes the insurance company has
information that looks like the worker is performing daily activities
at a higher level than when the PTD was granted. Again keep in
mind that the law allows them to investigate every 2 years or more
often if they have information showing a change in the status

A long as the Carrier is paying your permenant disability claim you will continue to have a re-evaluation every 2 years or so.
This is a grey area, Since very few seriously injured workers recieve PTD awards.

A seriously injured worker has better odds a winning the lottery than receiving an award for PTD In Oregon.

During your meeting ask them, will the evaluations last for the rest of her life as long as she has the status as disabled.
Let us know if you ask them that question and pass it along here for other injured workers facing a PTD meeting.

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