Re:How much do they hound you?

Author Subject: Re:How much do they hound you?
Jim Chudy Posted At 01:57:57 01/07/2001
The automobile accident happened in 1987, 14 years ago. As most everyone
knows once you are on wc, you are denied, evaulated, re-evaulated, denied
again and given the run around. You must invest much effort, time, and
money to continue to get what you deserve. At this time I would guess
that I have been through at least 10 IME examinations. Few IME reports
have been favorable, as the doctor gets paid by the insurance company, and
wc seems to get what they pay for, UNFAVORABLE REPORTS.

As far as wc status goes, through time status has varied. It started as
TTD for maybe 4 years. 6 weeks of rehab another status, 2 or 3 months job
search another status, 3 1/2 years lost wage status, MMI status no money
benefits, ammended condition of depression, back to TTD status for a few
years, MMI again, no money bencfits again. Off TTD for close to 2 years.
Application for permanent total disability with hearing set for January 18.
Request for retroactive pay for the last 100, or so weeks since being MMI
last time. Retroactive request over $30,000. Then hopefully weekly pay
for life.

I asked my question with the hopes of receiving my entitlement as a
favorable decision because my evidence appears to be strong enough to
win at hearing. You never know however. If I should win, I do not want
this entitlement taken away in the future. If I win it, I want to keep it.

I am concerned that if I must keep going to IME's that there is no
question in my mind, that unfavorable future reports will be produced.
Hopefully once PPD is recognized, it will be difficult to take away
with ongoing support from my doctors. I am only being pro active.

Take Care!!!!!!!!!

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