Re: Webmaster Question?

Author Subject: Re: Webmaster Question?
Jimchudy Posted At 06:52:53 01/07/2001
I had an automobile accident in 1987 (14 years ago). I got TTD for about
4 years. I was then determined to be MMI, and went off TTD. I now went on
WC rehab status and received the same MMI money amount. I then went to wc
job search and received the same money as TTD. I then got a part time job
with a family member business and got $96/week income from the job, and
received wc lost wages money. I then got terminated and received no money.
I then got depression added to my case and was put back on TTD for about
2 years and received the weekly money checks again. I then was MMI again
and TTD checks stopped again. I was determined at this time by the state
doctor to be permanently totally disabled. I also had reports from my
doctors that I was permanently totally disabled. I then requested to add
new conditions of Fibromyalgia, and degenerative joint disease. I won this
request in another wc hearing. It has been almost 2 years since I was
terminated TTD benefits to this time. I since have had two more IME
reports from a psyc dctor, and a medical doctor in reference to my
permanent total disability application. The wc psyc doctor states that I am
not able to work. The medical doctor states sedentary employment.

I have had at least 15 IME visits, and reports written from them. Most
are unfavorable reports because the doctors get paid to write unfavorable
reports. Since I have been forced to so many IME doctors, I consider this
hounding me. I hate to see wc mail, and see another letter for a IME, or
another denial for necessary medical treatment, or another ws hearing date
is set. I hate to have to ask my doctors time and time again to be
professional writers because I need their help again in the form of a
letter or report. I bet I have made at least 30 requests for letters of
support from them. I hate to pay the letter requests out of my pocket to
pay the doctors for the reports they write. It seems wc is a constant
nightmare that is like the energizer battery bunny on tv, it goes on, and
on, and on. It does not stop. At this point I am almost 61 years old, and
if I should be fortunate enough to get a favorable decision at the wc
permanent total disability hearing, I want wc to stop forcing me to
continue theit tatics. If I must continue, I will, but it sure would be
nice to see there is a date they stop. If it is retirement age, is that
age 62, age 65, or age 100 as far as wc is concerned.

Although by defination, I have been permanently disabled since the
accident, I have not been recognized pernanently totally disabled as of
yet. I have never had and full time employment, or made up to $500/Month.
My hearing is to now determine if I am permanently disabled. I do not
envy the wc system of requirements, and denials on anyone. You will be in
a rude awakening wonc you understand what WC does to injured workers.

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