Re: Does anyone know about 3rd party claims and WorkComp?

Author Subject: Re: Does anyone know about 3rd party claims and WorkComp?
larry coldiron Posted At 15:17:54 01/09/2001
your answer depends on many things, in my case which was in pennsylvania in1995
my accident was in 1992 so it took over 3 years to settle which the first year and a half i was either in the hospital or rehab, but in the end yes workman's comp. recovered every penny they spent (about one and a half million dollars)and of course my lawyres took their cut. but in the end my settlement was the highest awarded in the entire state that year and luckly it left me with just over $8,000,000. needless to say i'm not complaining at all, although i'd love to still be working i'm only 50 years old! but then i'm not in oregon and my case wasn't typical of many hope this helps if it's not too late from august to january is a long time Larry Coldiron

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