One of the places, for cashiers and others to watch health

Author Subject: One of the places, for cashiers and others to watch health
Sharma Posted At 15:58:02 01/09/2001
It is my pleasure to save this for anyone. I hope it will help 1,000's in Oregon. So that we have a healthier Oregon. Thank you for letting me be a part of this great website. Sharma
LP Re: One of the places, for cashiers and others to watch health (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 03:14:26 01/11/2001

Sharma~more people NEED to be aware of the dangers in cashiering. I was a grocery checker for 22 years, and now have a myriad of physical problems, most of which are *job* related. I ALWAYS tell people to be nice to the checkers,as MOST are in a-LOT of pain and the *smile* is demanded by management(not ALL the actresses are in Hollywood), as I acted everyday on my job to GET through the day enduring physical AND emotional pain. We need more support and sites for Washington State. We certainly have *our* problems here as well and are struggling with similar issues and corruption. Take care~LP

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