What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice!

Author Subject: What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice!
LOST Posted At 08:18:24 01/19/2001
I have a question. I have been off work for 11 months due to an injury. After 11 months of physical therapy the doctor says that I am at max medical improvement. He told me that I would have some limitations with my injured arm. I will have to get a knob for my steering wheel to drive. Well, now my employer is trying to bring me back to work. What happens if I go back to work and can no longer do the job? What if I know that I can't do the job and tell them I can not go back to work for them? What happens if I do go back and can not do the job and they fire me? What happens if I go back to work and hurt myself or my condition gets worse? I would appreciate any and all thoughts on this, I am lost and don't know what to do.
play by the rules Re: What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice! (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 09:33:54 01/19/2001

Go back to work and try, you need your doctor to tell them that you can't do the position. And they can't fire you for not being able to do the job, they usually look for another reason. And if you go back and it gets worse then get back to your doctor. If your doctor is a whore like you say, find a new one!
Tarzan Re: What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice! (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 09:52:13 01/19/2001

This is where Dimitri comes in. Let's say the doctor gives you a weight limit of 25 lbs. They catch you on film carrying a chair that weighs 50 pounds.

They'll ask you at IME, CME, LIE, how much can you lift, or what gives you problems. It's really all about catching you in a lie, I don't know about clean hands, it's OK for them to lie but not you.

Bottom line be honest, ask for help to move stuff, if you can't turn the wheel on your truck without ruining your other arm, tell them. Hopefully your doctor will ask for somekind of modified work, that'll keep you out of trouble.

Beware of the training programs, that will be next. About the best possible job would be 7-10 bucks an hour. Inspite of the claims the Tech Schools will make, don't believe them.

And be intouch with your mental state. Need help get it. Same with a lawyer.
DON'T Re: What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice! (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 11:41:49 01/19/2001

No matter what don't go against your weight requirements and restrictions, they will be laying in wait to see you doing that. Simply refuse, and say you aren't able to do it, sure they might huff and puff but they will still be working and you will be in trouble both physically and with the comp. process. Stick by your guns and be insistant!
jimchudy Re: What is next after MMI ?? Please ALL respond I need some advice! (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 06:28:45 01/20/2001

Protect your interest, and get a statement from your doctor about work restrictions.

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