Re: slowly recovering

Author Subject: Re: slowly recovering
Been there Posted At 01:45:59 01/28/2001
Mr. William Reynolds

My God, why haven't you had surgery to remove that bone fragment yet.
You have been waiting for 5 months to have your shoulder repaired.

A piece of bone rubbing in the Shoulder socket may as well be a piece of glass, everytime you move your shoulder it continues to do damage.

Personally it shouldn't matter what state you live in to qualify for a surgery. This is inhumane treatment!!!!!!.

I have had a similar surgery. Besides a nasty scar, I have regained more that 90& of my strength and all motion, As long as the rotator cuff is Ok.
Its in your best interest to find an Orthopedic surgeon who specializes in this procedure. I have to be honest, after surgery you will be in alot of pain, and therapy will be painful but it goes away soon after.

Have the surgery First, see how you do after therapy. Don't think about a settlement yet. Just get better.

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