Re: I WON - Permanent Total Disability.

Author Subject: Re: I WON - Permanent Total Disability.
DEE Posted At 23:56:06 01/28/2001
Good for you Jimchudy! Yes the amount is retroactive. It may take a couple of months, but you will get a nice lump sum of payments back to the date they decided on, then your regular payments. My battle didn't take as long to get as yours. Got perm/total 3 years ago after a 2 year battle, and a million IME's just to be sure of course. It still never makes up for all you've lost,(health,lifestyle,ability to function without pain,credit rating and everything you may have lost due to not being able to work,and the brain damage from what they put you through to get it) but at least it's something GOOD happening for a change! And isn't it a RELIEF to know that this part of the battle is finally over? You can exhale now! :)

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