Re: w-c believe in leaving worker in the dark

Author Subject: Re: w-c believe in leaving worker in the dark
MsGimped Posted At 13:18:08 02/02/2001
You know what, it is my understanding that you are left up to guess what is wrong with you from the very start. Your visit with the self insured workmen comp. companies is only so they can find out what is wrong with you and then leave you out banging your head day after day to the answer that the they already KNOW. Oh when they check you over, it would be WAY TO HUMAN FOR THEM TO TELL YOU WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU> AND WAY TO HUMAN FOR THEM TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN GET THE CARE FOR YOUR HEALTH. The reasons being that it would point them out as being responsable, and that cost them moneyto them. Strange all the years you spent making them tons of money by doing your job above and beyond other employees, that they would want to invest in getting you healthy. I was going to be dumped and hasseled about my injuries from the very begining cause I was getting ready to leave the company (working time of over 10 years) for another job within 30 days ( My own company I created ). So you see there wasnt a sweet prayer on earth that the company I worked for was going to even try to fix, pay for, or any other finicial help in getting me better. My family has paid for my mistake of telling SIMS that I didnt want to go back to work for this company, and so let the games begin.
Well I do know that depending wheather or not they will have a change of mind to SAVE FACE will determine wheather or not my friends help me write a book about all that I have been through. I think in real life that my life story about what I have been through the last two years is worth more than what they will ever do. Its up to them now. They can either except the responsablitys for this muscle disease and do the right thing, and give their employees ( that they have now) Hope that they are working with a compasionate company that cares just as much for profits as it does for its workers.

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