Re: w-c believe in leaving worker in the dark

Author Subject: Re: w-c believe in leaving worker in the dark
booboo Posted At 03:05:04 02/03/2001
Simms wouldn't happen to work in the GROCERY industry would/did you?? That is the name of the *whores* I am dealing with here in Seattle, WA. I worked for a corporate company(grocery), have had 3 IME'S, and just got done with a PCE in which the *whore* doctor(questionable) who OBVIOUSLY works for L&I and THEIR whores. I wouldn't go back to work for this company if my very life depended on it, and quite does!! Fortunately I can NEVER do my job again. Why would I want to go *torture* myself MORE???? I was in A-LOT of physical pain when I was working, so I was not the best employee, but I showed up for my shifts and did the very best I could under the circumstances. This company, which is associated with FRED MYER puts PROFITS before PEOPLE....first and foremost. And trust me, they don't give a DAMN about their employees. I knew this BEFORE I filed this claim, which I was very adamant about, as I KNEW what I would have to be dealing with. Didn't EVEN give them the benefit of the doubt. Now it's in my lawyer's hands. I sure as hell hope he's a pit bull!!! I plan on winning this one because I have lost my earning power, have major medical/physical problems as a result of THEIR neglect. X-rays, MRI's and REAL doctors don't LIE!!!! L.P.

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