Theres a company in Southern Oregon that is letting their

Author Subject: Theres a company in Southern Oregon that is letting their
Great News about RSI education. Posted At 13:44:51 02/03/2001
Theres a company in Southern Oregon that is letting their employees that do arm/shoulder/hand work to stop every 45 minutes and turn to each other and do small excercise's for 5 minute. OMG it almost makes me want to cry. THANKS TO THIS COMPANY I SEE HOPE. I wonder if I can start collecting a list of companys that do care? See I am not here just for negative that will eat you alive. What I do want to do is take my up time with this body and make a positive. So MR WEBMASTER do you think that is a good idea, maybe I can hand and mail awards to those better companies. And start receiving a list of companies that dont hide the RSI issues in a closet and are changing to make a difference? If you know one please e-mail it to the above link us women of those type of injuries need to send those company's a SMILEY FACE? Yes maybe if some of you are thinking that doesnt make up for other things, I have to agree, we have to start somewhere of noticing the good things no matter how small.

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