Re: denied wages & medical treatment

Author Subject: Re: denied wages & medical treatment
Thats what your paying your attorney for Posted At 01:18:09 02/11/2001
Tell your attorney that it is his job to get the statements from your doctors. If he doesn't I would start looking for another, he doesn't have your best interest at heart.
I sounds like a second opinion from a new doctor may help, the other doctor doesn't sound like he's playing for your side, just because he wrote down a confidence between you and he, and the insurance has used it against you.Some doctors are right in the insurance companies pockets, and just lay in wait for someone like you.
Remember what you say is almost always turned around to be held against you, and no matter what stick with your restrictions everywhere, and don't go overboard on other things either, just because you can do something for 5 minutes and someone takes a picture doesn't mean you can do it for 4 or 8 hours, but a picture of you doing it has no time limit.
If I were you I would use the don't tell more than asked rule, that way it can't be turned against you.
Just remember your injury occured before you did your work at home, but if your attorney is telling you to do his work that is a huge RED FLAG, so if anything call an ombudsman in your state and they can help you find out what you need to do, and make sure they aren't doing something they are not.
The Ombudsman is there to inform you of your rights and to watch the insurance company to make sure they abide by them. Good Luck!

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