Carpal Tunnel Sydrome & Workman's Comp. lump sum?

Author Subject: Carpal Tunnel Sydrome & Workman's Comp. lump sum?
John Collins Posted At 14:20:30 02/27/2001
I am an Aircraft mech. Now contracting @ the
rate of $6/$11, $6 is taxed, $11 is not.$25.50 for O/T

I've been diagnosed with CTS and had surgery done
on the right hand. Out of work since 1/04/0. Employers
INS. Co. is Zurich (big, but in no way better).
Workman's Comp claim has been filed and approved.
Zurich only pays based on $6 an hour ($240.), but
checks have been being only $319.06 every 2 weeks.
I have talked with a past employer who said all employees
there in North Carolina diagnosed with CTS have received
a check for $5,000 to $7,000 per hand after surgery.
(but can not file again for 2 years with Workman's
Comp. concerning CTS.) Are these settlements
only for workers in North Carolina? I work in the
state of Arizona, which is a "right to work" state.

I could really use this money now, how and where
would one go about filing for this settlement? I'm
in no way in this for the money, I just want to keep
a roof over my head. My car is about to be repossessed
also. Doctor says it will be 4 to 6 weeks before I can
return to work. Plus he still needs to do surgery on
the left hand.

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