Re: Derfler favors the weakening of Oregons Child labor laws

Author Subject: Re: Derfler favors the weakening of Oregons Child labor laws
anne hicks - Ontario Canada Posted At 18:27:22 02/28/2001
HRW reports that the US is in violation of the
Worst Forms of Child Labor of the ILO. (See
Fingers to the Bone.

Mr Derfler and his buddies ?in places like Texas?
might want to note that British Columbia
has been toughening its child labor laws
to surpass most of the USA.

We have real gun laws up here and
a health care system that doesn't
exclude 11,000,000 children, including
disabled children, the way yours does.

There's a few "old sayings" here in
Canada - You don't go to the store
to get your appendix out and you don't
turn children into indentured servants.

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