umitilla chemical depot 9/15/99

Author Subject: umitilla chemical depot 9/15/99
Deb Posted At 22:00:22 03/16/2001
My husband was affected by a "unknown" toxin while constructing bomb burner. He worked for 11 more months after the accident. He is now deemed disabled as of 11/1/00. We just got 1st check from L & I (Liberty NW) in march. Received a letter regarding lawyers going into mediation maybe in july. All the other men affected have been off since the date of accident and are all now permanently disabled and their disability has run out so they are wanting to go to mediation. This damage that has happened to my husbands lungs is permanent and getting worse. He has been told he will never work again. What is mediation and can he get his disability from workers comp for life? We are so in the dark. Any help would be appreciated

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