Re: umitilla chemical depot 9/15/99

Author Subject: Re: umitilla chemical depot 9/15/99
Tarzan Posted At 11:54:15 03/18/2001
From experience I can say don't do mediation, it's all about saving Liberty Worthless Money. If they starve you long enough, and Ten Cents on the dollar is acceptable then by all means do mediation, it's quick and dirty.
I can also assure you, you'll never forget how you got screwed.
Deb Re: umitilla chemical depot 9/15/99 (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 10:43:24 03/20/2001

There was a artical in 3/18/01 Sunday Oregonian. It tells alot about our situation. My husband is very sick right now. Went to IME that did many test. One being a pulmonary test that really messed him up. He has been getting worse and worse since the IME visit and I know now he has pneumonia. He had it this time last year but, Liberty stated it had nothing to do with his pulmonary problem. Please advise me if I am wrong but, isn't pnuemonia a pulmonary problem???? Read last sundays Oregonian. Thanks

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