Umitilla workers

Author Subject: Umitilla workers
Deb Posted At 10:54:26 03/20/2001
Look at the sunday oregonian section G and read what these men are going through. The paper has done this artical very well. Read how the Army keeps backtracking about what they REALLY meant to say. My husband went to see Libertys IME 2 weeks ago and went through a whole battery of tests including a pulmonary exam. He has been getting sicker and sicker everyday since the IME exam. He has pneunomia now. He had this the sametime last year but, Liberty wouldn't cover it stating that it was not a pulmonary problem! Am I wrong or is pneunomia a pulmonary infection? I am scared, tired and frustrated! This man has never been sick in the 25 yrs we have been married. Before this accident I could count on 1 hand how many times that he had been to a doc in 25 yrs! It is so sad to see a healthy man knocked to his knees and watch his health deteriate over the course of 18 months and continue to get hassled from L & I! Thanks for listening!
Webmaster Re: Umitilla workers (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 13:01:10 03/20/2001

Hi Deb

I can't begin to say how sorry I am about you husbands injuries.
This sounds like a coverup to me and everyone else involved.

The Army won't admit guilt, they want deniability because it will cost hundreds of millions in court to these Innocent and injured workers.

I am working on a page that will be added to our website. I have already founds some valuable links, It will be up very soon.

You mentioned L & I, That is Washington state labor and Industries.
What are they telling you about your husbands injuries?.

Also Oregon state is responsible for this is some aspect because his injuries happended in Oregon.

Try contacting the Ombudsmans for Injured workers at 800-927-1271
they may be able to help.

Click on our Governmet links page, we have useful links here.

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