Author Subject: Re: IME
cricket Posted At 00:50:52 03/30/2001
Regarding the IME: I was made to go to an IME "agreed-upon doctor" for my insurance company. When they sent me the name of the doctor, I immediatly contacted the california medical board to inquire about the doctor, his specialty, etc. I contacted the doctor and inquired about his ability to assess my illness. I determined he was not of the proper specialty and wrote a letter to the insurance company to that effect, and demanded I be sent to a physician with the proper background and specialty. They had to get a different doctor. One at Cedar-Sini that was of the proper specialty. He saw me and basically told them I was worse off than even my own doctor had told them. I made sure I was sent to the proper doctor. That is an important thing, being seen by a qualified physician.

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