Re: teacher injured by student and on w.c.

Author Subject: Re: teacher injured by student and on w.c.
Tarzan Posted At 21:52:50 04/01/2001
Sad fact of the matter, there really is nothing to do.

Do hang on to your insurance, you'll need their lawyers and doctors to fight the dirt-bag insurance company providing worthle$$ comp.

They will line up lawyers and pseudodoctors to say anything they want to hear and get away with it, it's a matter of law.

Maybe Dubya will step up, but I doubt it.

Didn't say where you are, but it is a national delema, if I spelled it right.

If you can't afford to eat, or pay rent, hang on to your teachers insurance, there was a gal on this web site, said her worthle$$ comp carrier denied her claim her private insurance carrier was the same company, and they backed her up, go figure.

One might wonder why you would even want such a job.

You sound stressed out to me, see a doctor, for your mental aspects. Use your private insurance and try to be reimbursed.

And do see a sports doctor for your hand, you don't want to wind up with a fused wrist, because of some pocket doctor.

Another thing that I always seem to run into, when I'm stressed out, my back turns into a knot. Muscle relaxers help, and of coarse I had those cut off to.

Your doctor can retroactively open your claim for 2 weeks, Great Benifit, can close your claim to the day before you where born. So you'll have to wait until your lawyer can real them in, which could take years.

Anything else an intelligent cripple can do until things get better, sell cars??????????????

And your not alone.

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