Author Subject: Re: IME
deby Posted At 03:52:22 04/05/2001
IME's are what but injured workers out on the street, contact your fraud ASSOCIATION of CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINERS in your STATE, and take a tape little recorded in you pocket, believe me, when you go to the IME you will be shocked when he says you are MMI, maximal medical improvement, he said I was MMI and I have 2 torn shoulders, C3thru6 protruded w/impingment on the cord, back has concaved and is pushing in on my major organs, his whole frickin written 8 page report which you can det a copy of, is a lie, fraud plus he has been oaid for the 8 page fraudulent report, I was getting checks and had surgery set up , the nurse they sent me, tried very hard to get me to let thier doctors operate I said no, and from that date I lost all my checks everything, and I can't walk or breath anymore, I will need surgery but damn if I will have emergency surgery w/rods and let some doctor whom I know nothing about operate on me. The w/c is a very very fraudulent place, the IME's are the ones who make it like this, and they will say you can work and you are fine with a broken back, even if your diagnostic tests say different, they d not care, we need to find people in your STATE that saw the same IME, and that sent them back to work injured or crippled or they knew they couldnt go back, file a class action suit against these IME's and get them, do not trust them, I am telling you this they are evil devils who care nothing about you, they get anywhere from 500 to 1000 dollars for sending you back to work and more to take the stand in court, look up IME's and fraud, and it will tell you exactually what they do, fraud??? This needs to be stopped, they are killing people one by one, and it is not fair, injured workers, hardly never get anything except they loose everything they have , or kill there selfs, this is not fair, FIGHT BACK BELIEVE ME I AM< I NEED MARYLAND INJURED WORKERS TO EMAIL ME

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