Re: ORS Numbers a License to Steal From the Broke Down

Author Subject: Re: ORS Numbers a License to Steal From the Broke Down
Tarzan Posted At 11:42:49 04/08/2001
If I understand this, which I probably don't. Then $AIF is trying to say go away, and go to The Social Security System and Retire.

Like a $1,000 a month is acceptable in some way. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, better than nothing.

Then we'll come back later with our video, and take it away, and show you are a fraud.

Aren't these laws set-up so Worthle$$ comp. can shirk their responsibilities?

How did this guy get a pre-existing back problem? Something fuller dreamed up no doubt, or was it some other pseudodoctor?

Just seems like the Christian thing to do would be fix him, or take care of him. Still seems cheaper in the long run, wouldn't Uncle Sam love to have him back on the tax records again?

When I went to $alem recently there was a pan handler there, needing wine no doubt, makes me think how close I am to him, no job or respect either.

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