Re: The politics of workers' compensation

Author Subject: Re: The politics of workers' compensation
Deana Dutcher Posted At 18:37:07 03/05/2000
My husband Frankie has liver, brain and neurological damage from solvents he used on the job. His employer TXU Electric used our HMO doctors to with hold any information from us as to the cause of his illness. TXU also used intimidation and coercion against us to keep us from seeking legal help. Then, to put the icing on the cake, they had an "IME" done, not of Frankie, but of his medical records, or should I say PART of them. TXU went so far as to include in Frankie's medical records downright false, slanderous informaiton that was sent to every doctor he saw, causing them to refuse to treat him. TXU has commited CRIMES AGAINST US, AND WE HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHTS TO STOP THEM.

Deana Dutcher

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