Re: 2nd surg-no response!

Author Subject: Re: 2nd surg-no response!
don kottler Posted At 17:36:37 04/13/2001
I am fighting Zurich. I was hurt on job two years ago, they denied everything, they threw away hurt on job form denied me0threw awatvideeo showing me getting hurt-store owner lied--will collusion probably with their attorney-finally I got attorney and took then to court. Judge said pay-me-they did, but took 1 year, and still fighting with them, thier dr. said ok for me to work, he lied, more than once, and I still need one or two surgeries( shown by mri's) I'm still taking vicodin for pain. So back to court again. I will sue those bastards anywhere and anytime I can. Never- ever- trust them, and make sure you get every dr. report for yourself.

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