Re: how much can I expect

Author Subject: Re: how much can I expect
Connie Posted At 23:04:13 04/15/2001
Due to a car accident my Ulna Nerve got pinched and I had quite a bit of
painl I have had the surgery now and I was feel so good. The doctor told
me that I could get the insision we. So I came home a took Jacookoosy
bath and when I had to get up I had to put some weight on the hand I had
surgery on and my insision opened up and bled quite badly. I finally
got it to stop, but my arm is now hurting me so bad. I think I will have
to call the doctor tomorrow to see if he can aee me.
How did your surgery come out? I alao had CT on both my hands ans then
I had to have it done a second time on my right hand. It does feel so much
better now. Please take care and have a great day.


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