civil sactions?

Author Subject: civil sactions?
Deb Posted At 19:58:21 04/18/2001
My husband had to go to a IME and we just received a letter from our attorney that the insurance co and the IME doctor are going up for a administrative review and that they want to file for civil scations because the IME did a invassive proceedure without my husbands signed request after we had told him that if he was going to do any incasive proceedures that we were advised to sign a form and the IME never heard of it. We went to a IME on a aggravation claim to try to get loss wages and they denied it after the visit with the IME although my husband was told to not go back to work yet from his doc. Can anybosy tell me what this means? Are they going to maybe review the report and opt to give him his disability? Thanks for any help

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