Re: What is being RATED mean? Anyone had a IDETT done?

Author Subject: Re: What is being RATED mean? Anyone had a IDETT done?
M in Oregon Posted At 22:01:05 04/25/2001

In Oregon there is a WC Ombudsman. Check the internet or contact your wc carrier - hopefully you have this service available to you. In Oregon they have to determine the ROM, etc. to determine any PPD award. Also, in Oregon attorney fees are paid for by the system. Just remember tho - attorneys look for the money - you will not find that they care about you as a person or your rights - the system is setup to perpetuate itself. Good luck. I have had RSD since 1993 - fortunately it is not in my dominant arm. I ignore it and focus on the positive. I have contractures of my digits, a partially anklosed wrist and limited range of motion in my should (almost zero abduction). Anyway, attitude is critical. Good luck in your journey. People - family and friends matter. Your RSD can be a tremendous asset to help you put things in focus!

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