Does W/C have guidelines concerning lost time?

Author Subject: Does W/C have guidelines concerning lost time?
John Posted At 01:48:46 05/01/2001
I live in Ohio and was injured on the job. The ER doc said it was a sprained ankle, but it was slow to heal, and after 2 weeks I was referred to an Ortho. Surgeon. He examined my ankle and determined it MIGHT be fractured. I was fitted with a walking cast and scheduled for a C-T scan 2 weeks later. After the CatScan I was scheduled another appointment with my Ortho 3 WEEKS AFTER! I figured they sure were taking their sweet time about it, if I did in fact have a fractured ankle I was concerned of doing further damage because I was treating it like a sprain..... Anyway it's been 6 weeks and I am nowhere near able to walk on it, but all the research I've done on treatment of fractured ankles indicates returning to work 6 weeks after injury.... Now I'm worried W/C is going to put the heat on my Ortho to get me back to work before I'm healed properly..... Does anyone know the procedure W/C goes by in determining such things?
In the same boat Re: Does W/C have guidelines concerning lost time? (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 07:00:16 05/02/2001

I am not sure about the time line. But I am in the same boat as you. Went in with a "Sprain" over 1 year ago and I am still not walking. 1 year of cast after cast, a surgery and many doctor appointments later and I am no more closer to doing my regular job than I was the day after the injury. I have returned to work modified duty and get to sit at a desk all day. I have to hobble on crutches at work and it is a real pain in the rearend. I do know that W/C can get you back to work before it is properly healed, if there is some light duty stuff you can be doing. I figure it this way. W/C wages were peanuts compared to what I make an hour shuffling papers and it gets me out of the house. If your only in to this thing 6 or so weeks, heck you have only just begun.

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