Re: Oregon Needs an Ombudsman for Injured workers.

Author Subject: Re: Oregon Needs an Ombudsman for Injured workers.
Kay Posted At 00:30:14 05/14/2001

Here is the senate bill aimed at eliminating the Omsbudsman's office for injured workers.
The proposed "legislative omsbudman" would be in place to only take complaints and would have
no authority to contact insurance companies and $AIF Corp. on behalf of injured workers. Please contact the committee members and your representatives and tell them why injured workers need their own omsbudsman.

Sponsors of SB 971

Sen. Verne A Duncan 503 986-1712

Sen. Jason A. Atkinson 503 986-1725

Sen. Lee Beyer 503 986-1721

Sen. Kate Brown 503 986-1700

Sen. Bill Fisher 503 986-1723

Sen. Steven V. Harper 503 986-1730

Sen. Rick Metsger 503 986-1714

Sen. Frank Shields 503 986-1709

Sen. Charles Starr 503 986-1705

This bill is now scheduled to be heard by Senate Committee
"Rules and Redistricting" - date and time not available yet.


Sen. Steve Harper, Chair 503 986-1730

Sen. Peter Courtney, Vice Chair 503 986-1717

Sen. Jason A. Atkinson 503 986-1725

Sen. Lee Beyer 503 986-1721

Sen. Kate Brown 503 986-1700

Sen. Randy Miller 503 986-1713

Sen. John Minnis 503 986-1711

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