Is this EVER going to STOP???

Author Subject: Is this EVER going to STOP???
Injured Worker Recovering Barely Posted At 16:34:05 05/14/2001
I am so tired of all this bulls**t going on with this stupid, corrupted, BROKEN system...It just seems to be getting worse...
Marty Re: Is this EVER going to STOP??? (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 10:46:30 05/15/2001

And it will until injured workers bombard the media and legislators with their horror stories. I've been sending letters, have the rest of you?
WILLIAM WALLACE Re: Is this EVER going to STOP??? (Currently 1 replies)
Posted At 10:43:56 05/20/2001

we need to hold a huge gathering and show we still have a set of balls and or
not wimps who love getting our asses kicked by doctors ,nurses,casew orkers
the motha fucging media,the two faced loser politicians and the ever popular with
the elite business owners and thier global society that will soon win because
we are the weak,over floridated punks who can talk but cant walk.we are the wimps
of the new age.we walk with piece of paper on owr backs that say kick me ect.
william wallace

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