Re: fraud by the insurance company......

Author Subject: Re: fraud by the insurance company......
DEB Posted At 16:27:51 05/16/2001

I am in the same mess, the insurance company who hires the IME's doctors who they send us too, writes false written reports as well as filing a false claim, it is sick and they should be held accountable for there actions as well as all and any injuries that do get worse if not MEDICALLY looked at or surgery. I think they are just as bad as a murder, or a serial killer, it is premedataded that is for sure, they all should be ashamed of thereselves, the goverment to they let these insurance companies do what when they want, our goverment regulaates them. Also when a DOCTOR IME< is turned in for fraud the FBI investagates also, most of the time the IME gets a little smack on the hand, it is not even registered, also it is illegal. But I guess as long as they get paid, they will let the ones who pay the big bucks to them committ murder!!!!!
email me and tell me what is up, and what you want to find, I have found so much stuff, my lawyer was shocked when he knew what I knew, he said not to many know this, I did alot of searching and alot of inquiring, alot!!!! GODBLESSALLINJUREDWORKERS DEBBIE

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