Re: Trust Juries not Politicians Coalition, Measure 81

Author Subject: Re: Trust Juries not Politicians Coalition, Measure 81
J Roberts Posted At 00:41:25 05/19/2001

Dear Webmaster;

I am sorry that I have been away so long. Another relapse I suppose.
It is now 2001 and the U.S. Supreme Court has still not contacted me about my case, nor did I expect them to.

I realize now that each state will have to combine their injured workers in "a united voice" and each of us will have to stand and be counted before the Constitutional Issues revolving around an injured worker are taken seriously.

There is an attorney in Florida, who has taken an outspoken and active role in representing the Injured Workers and their need for redress; which is where I am going, again.

Thank you for keeping this problem in the spotlight...


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