Assaulted at work

Author Subject: Assaulted at work
Janet Prestwood Posted At 18:33:35 03/21/2000
I would like someone to tell me how to recoup a year of my life after being assaulted at work. I have an attorney, and am told that worker's comp. protects the organization that I worked for. It seems to me that I should be compensated for the physical and psychological pain that I am experienceing now. I have to have physical therapy 3 times a week, I was also seeing a counselor and psychiatrist until comp won't pay for those visits. Please let me know if there is something to be done. Thank you.
Kay Re: Assaulted at work (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 13:43:23 03/27/2000

I'm a board member of Workplace Injured.
Unlike civil actions, under workers comp we can't receive any damages for
pain and suffering. I would like to know more about this organization that
is "protected". Please e-mail me your phone number.

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