Re: Thinking Cap

Author Subject: Re: Thinking Cap
Tarzan Posted At 20:37:44 05/22/2001

After a crushed radial head on the right and an undiagnosed radial head fracture, and unaccepted at that, distal ulna resection combined with carpal tunnel both sides at once, paid for by me, and starved to recovery to boot. Seemed to do the most good addressing ulnar variation, and numbness, and excruciating pain at night, or when I took a nap.

Now a year and four months after the above surgery.

I don't think I'll ever be pain free, but my capacity is good enough to return to work as a carpenter. I've been working about a month now, and seem to be getting better all the time.

I tape my wrists up tight, with sports tape. Some times I use an Ace Wrap on my elbows. I have lots of extra motion in my wrists, combined with pops, snaps, and grinding of both elbows and wrists.

Although not as good as I was 5 minutes before I fell off the bridge, I am quite happy with my function.

I attached a link to the Wheeless Text of Orthopaedics, it talks in detail about different fixes, and study groups of out come of different techniques.

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