About to see an IME for knee injury

Author Subject: About to see an IME for knee injury
Walt Posted At 18:20:17 06/02/2001
I injured my knee about 6 months ago on the job, had a partial menisectomy but I still have degenerative joint disease, returned to work and am working on a restricted status full time. The only compensation I am receiving now is prescription drugs and an occasional visit to the doctor to a state required review of my use of Vicoden for pain, prescribed by the doctor. Recently I received an IME letter. Does anyone know why?
Marty Re: About to see an IME for knee injury (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:50:56 06/05/2001

I don't know about your state, but in Oregon they'll send you to one every few years even after your claim is settled. They then get your disabilitity rating lowered which here means you owe them the difference in money if you ever file an aggravation. Disputing this decision will mean the state can lower it further so its a lose-lose situation. I would suppose that in some states they can demand the difference in $$ right away or even deduct it from doctors bills, etc.

The whole practice is screwy. How can a disability improve after claim closure? Why can they take back a settlement reached under a previously determined rating.

Only in workers' comp!!!!

In your case they'll probably say you've improved so they don't have to pay those bills anymore.

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