Work-Related Injuries Often Not Paid By Comp.

Author Subject: Work-Related Injuries Often Not Paid By Comp.
Del Information Services Posted At 21:21:18 06/02/2001
Work-Related Injuries Often Not Paid By Comp

Occupational Hazards
Author/s: Karen Sarkis
April, 2000

A Connecticut study of work-related musculoskeletal disorders found that such injuries were more prevalent than once thought, and a high percentage of those injuries were not treated under workers' compensation.

Upper Extremity Repetitive Strain Injuries in Connecticut 1996, Extent and Costs examined work-related stress injuries in the state. Such cases were found to be widely prevalent in the state's working population and "far exceed injury claims entered in the state's workers' compensation system."

Researchers assembled a random sampling of working-age individuals with self-reported disorders of the neck and upper extremities. Those who met pain categories were assessed through questioning to determine whether their injury was work-related.

About 10 percent of the individuals had filed comp claims. The remaining 90 percent was taken care of by government sources, other employer-provided benefits, and the individual and the family, according to the study.

The study found that "unmarried individuals, and those with only a high school education or less, reported significantly higher numbers of workers' compensation claims." Those with greater personal resources and family support reported injuries to the comp system less often, the study said.

As for workplace factors, the seriousness of the injury made reporting more likely. "Injuries that impacted a worker's activities of daily living or required time from work were associated with higher injury reporting rates."

Unionization also increased the chances of reporting, although the study said that "workplace unionization is also more common in traditional manufacturing and trade industry sectors, and it is not clear from this analysis whether unionization itself, or hazards inherent in the work processes of these industries, accounts for the observed increases in claims reporting."

Over half of the respondents sought medical treatment. Of those, 21 percent reported having that treatment paid for under comp. The study suggested that, because workers are seeing their own doctors, "greater emphasis should be placed on training medical generalists in workers' compensation injury recognition and management."

The researchers also believe that, if the true impact of repetitive stress is understated, employers are not motivated to prevent such injuries, and government agencies have less of an ability to target interventions.
Sue Re: Work-Related Injuries Often Not Paid By Comp. (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 14:30:32 06/04/2001

This goin to private health is axactly why these facists deny us treatment while elected leaders shine us on
walt Re: Work-Related Injuries Often Not Paid By Comp. (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 06:15:27 07/18/2001

On a final note, each insurance company has it's own specific definition of
disability. This is an incredibly important factor in choosing policies. In
general, insurance companies define disability as the inability to perform the
insured's OWN occupation. However, other companies require for the
insured to not be able to perform ANY occupation in order to receive
disability income benefits. The ramifications of this can cause a person
incapable of their occupation to be forced to change job fields rather than
receive benefits from the disability income policy.

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