Front pay damages not subject to cap says U.S. Supreme Court

Author Subject: Front pay damages not subject to cap says U.S. Supreme Court
Del Information Services Posted At 13:07:19 06/06/2001
Front pay damages aren't subject to Title VII's $300,000 cap on compensatory damages, says the U.S. Supreme Court in a big win for discrimination plaintiffs.

The Court held that because front pay was a type of relief that was available under Title VII before the statute was amended to permit compensatory damages, it was not subject to the cap.

"In the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Congress…expressly found that 'additional remedies under federal law are needed to deter unlawful harassment and intentional discrimination in the workplace,' without giving any indication that it wished to curtail previously available remedies…Congress therefore made it clear through the plain language of the statute that the remedies newly authorized…were in addition to the relief authorized by [Title VII.]"

The decision is Pollard v. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. It will be available shortly at:

Be sure to read the next issue of Lawyers Weekly USA for in-depth analysis of what this means for practicing lawyers!

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