Re: I've had it!

Author Subject: Re: I've had it!
EED Posted At 13:14:27 06/09/2001
You don't say what state your husband was injured in, but most have an insurance commisioner to file a complaint. Also contact any injured worker ombudsman your state may have. Try contacting your states' attorney general's office. Get your state and federal representative's involved.

It's important to get this insurance company behavior "on-the-record" and do so each and every time they act in such a way. You need a verifiable paper-trail.

You should also keep a log for yourself with names (pharmacy, doctor, etc.), dates, and a description of each event.

You may also want to send a registered (certified) letter (return receipt requested) to a high-up official in the insurance company. Just stay with the facts in this letter. Again, you need varifiable proof they were made aware of the situation.

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