Re: I'm having trouble translating my MRI report

Author Subject: Re: I'm having trouble translating my MRI report
easygoesit Posted At 10:17:09 06/11/2001
I'd like to thank you both for your responses and your help...I had this all translated by my doctor...My first MRI states i had a hernia in the L5-S1 region...Several doctors agreed on that...This second MRI was seen only by an IME...They have refused to pay for another opinion and have stated that they would hold to their IME's opinion even if another doctors was different...Tarzan, you were so very right..they cut my benefits the day after i posted my original message...Being as comp has made it known to work that my back condition is "prexisting" my work is poised to fire me...I cannot move fast enough for them...So i soon will be without a job as well...(and my house) Thank you for reading this...easygoesit...

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