Re: fired on workmans comp.

Author Subject: Re: fired on workmans comp.
Junie Moon Posted At 08:46:44 06/14/2001
2 wks. ago I had surgery(triger finger release/removal of sonival fluid pockets) this was on a Wed. Saturday of the same wk. I received a Cert. letter telling me I was layed off. Is this leagal? When I went to the unemployment office to apply for unemployment coverage (Ga.) 2 people there told me to call my worker's comp rep. I cannot receive unemployme benifits until worker's comp releases me. I knew that. When I called the rep. on my case at worker's comp, she said she knew all about it, that she and the plant mngr. talked it all over the wk. before I had my surgery,and they found it necessary for the betterment of the company. Does anyone know if it's legal in Ga. for this to happen? Tks Junie Moon

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